My Gossip Girl post has to start out with a story. I'm admittedly paranoid, and more than a little observant. In fact, I think I have an uncanny talent of pointing out who looks like who. But anyway, I'm getting beside myself, so now I go back to my story.
About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that work wasn't coming in as frequently as I would like it Now, for the unfamiliar, I work online, and write for 2 different companies. Needless to say, this kind of work pays on an per article basis, so no articles coming in means no money. Anyway, I noticed the slight slowdown a couple of weeks back, and resolved to find other jobs just to cover my bases. My jobhunt led me to craigslist where I found an ad for a writer who was gossip girl obsessed. The ad didn't really say Gossip girl obsessed, it ran along the lines of Gossip Girl familiar. However, I have to tell you i am Gossip Girl obsessed and have been since the very first episode. Regardless if the last few episodes have just been kinda meh, I still have to download it and watch it every Tuesday (this is Philippine time). So of course, I answered the ad, which now leads me to my announcement! I got the job!!! *insert happy dance here*
I now write for watchgossipgirlonline.tv and you can click here to see my first post!
My second story revolves around Twitter. A few weeks ago, my friend c told me that someone had started a local version of Gossip Girl where we lived. At first, we had a good laugh about it, especially when we found out that c was on it. I suspected it must've be someone she personally knows, as most of the tweets were about common friends. A few days later, I got a mini surprise when I got a follower request from this gossip girl-esque person. Thinking it wasn't going to lead to any harm, I approved the request.
Don't get me wrong, nothing major happened since the approval, but I have been noticing that the tweets, which were once, harmless, and factual at best, have started becoming the teeniest bit catty. There's nothing about me there, nor would I expect there to be, as I lead a pretty ho-hum existence, but there have been a few eye-brow raising ones about good friends. So, I don't know.. I hope this gossip girlesque character doesn't take nastiness to the extreme, as things could get ugly. Also, it makes me wonder who this person is. If he/she knows about ho-hum me, then it has to be someone I know right? Hmm..must investigate..
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