Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy List from the weekend that was

I've decided to take stock of little things that have been keeping me happy. There's nothing like the power of positive thoughts to attract more positive thoughts. I wallowed in my little happy pool on the weekend, which mainly consisted of:

1. Dinner with an old friend (Kaith to be more specific). it was fun to catch up and just talk.
Pictures from the dinner.

2.Late, late night deep converations about nothing and everthing. I went to cy's house after dinner and ended up staying until 3:30 am.
3.Downloaded shows (I'm currently downloading top chef, the rachel zoe project, and project runway, with jason's help of course)
4.Room revamp- My saturday afternoon and night was spent at home, rearranging my room, after I was inspired by Cybill's new and pristine one! I'm really happy with the way mine turned out- all "hotelly" and shiz haha, I just need a flat screen tv (any cheapo one will do)
5.Online shopping- i think i need to stop rambling about the merits of forever21 and elf to just about everyone i meet.
6.Coffee with Sheila- i love how this random thing has become a mini-ritual for both of us. It's simple- we meet up to have coffee and mainly vent about everything and anything.

Sure, I still constantly lust about this bag, or those pair of shoes, or this perosn's life, and I will forever keep on wishing for some things (for jason and i to just be together really), but its nice to see what things i have going for me too. :)

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