Monday, September 28, 2009

The Wrath of Ondoy and Being Thankful

Typhoon Ondoy.( photo is not mine. taken from the internet)

One of the worst typhoons in a span of 50 years (or maybe ever) has just hit the Philippines, leaving behind devastating effects. Fortunately, it spared Cebu (my hometown and where I am right now). However, Manila wasn't so lucky. Floods have killed and injured dozens, and have caused millions of damage. I actually know of people who lost everything they had. It makes me so sad, and it really is so heartbreaking. I wish here was more I could do to help.

It's been a weekend filled with so much sadness and loss, and yet,I remain grateful for the following:
1.I am grateful that my sister was left safe and sound during Ondoy. The house, as well as our property in Manila are ok too.
2.I am thankful to have the opportunity to give back, in what little way I can. I am so lucky to have something extra, to have electricity and internet connection to disseminate information.
3.i am thankful that the biggest problems I seem to have right now are zits on my nose and chin, dark scars, or how to pay for the bb creams that i got.
4.i am so grateful to be part of a family that is aware, and wants to give back. i thank my parents for raising us kids with the right kind of mindset, and values. we know it is our civic duty to lend a hand to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. i am glad this concept is not foreign to us, and has been imparted to us since childhood.
5.though i know of friends who have lost everything, property-wise, I praise God because they are alive. Their families are safe and intact. Thank you Lord.
6.I am thankful for the absence of apathy in my spirit right now. I want to help. I need to help. I do not want to put my focus on something immaterial, fleeting and shallow. There has to be something more in me than fluff. Being indifferent is not cool. I can't help but feel bitter and dissapointed at people who are acting like nothing happened, but they should not be my focus.
7.I'm thankful that I am part of the ateneo community. The way ateneans have banded to make a difference is nothing short of remarkable. It truly is Magis! Long live the Ateneo spirit! Thank you for making a difference.
8.Thank you for letting me see the best in the Filipino. I've never been prouder to be one!

Thank you Lord. I hope you give the Filipinos resilience and strength to get through this. Also, please spare us from the coming typhoon.

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