I've hopped over to tumbler!!! why? because it's got a much cleaner and simpler format, and so that i don't drive my boyfriend nuts with constant requests to edit this and that on my blog. i can actually do everything myself in tumbler. so, yeah!
i can still be found at closetidealist.com
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
On Gossip Girl and Gossip Girl-esques

My Gossip Girl post has to start out with a story. I'm admittedly paranoid, and more than a little observant. In fact, I think I have an uncanny talent of pointing out who looks like who. But anyway, I'm getting beside myself, so now I go back to my story.
About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that work wasn't coming in as frequently as I would like it Now, for the unfamiliar, I work online, and write for 2 different companies. Needless to say, this kind of work pays on an per article basis, so no articles coming in means no money. Anyway, I noticed the slight slowdown a couple of weeks back, and resolved to find other jobs just to cover my bases. My jobhunt led me to craigslist where I found an ad for a writer who was gossip girl obsessed. The ad didn't really say Gossip girl obsessed, it ran along the lines of Gossip Girl familiar. However, I have to tell you i am Gossip Girl obsessed and have been since the very first episode. Regardless if the last few episodes have just been kinda meh, I still have to download it and watch it every Tuesday (this is Philippine time). So of course, I answered the ad, which now leads me to my announcement! I got the job!!! *insert happy dance here*
I now write for watchgossipgirlonline.tv and you can click here to see my first post!
My second story revolves around Twitter. A few weeks ago, my friend c told me that someone had started a local version of Gossip Girl where we lived. At first, we had a good laugh about it, especially when we found out that c was on it. I suspected it must've be someone she personally knows, as most of the tweets were about common friends. A few days later, I got a mini surprise when I got a follower request from this gossip girl-esque person. Thinking it wasn't going to lead to any harm, I approved the request.
Don't get me wrong, nothing major happened since the approval, but I have been noticing that the tweets, which were once, harmless, and factual at best, have started becoming the teeniest bit catty. There's nothing about me there, nor would I expect there to be, as I lead a pretty ho-hum existence, but there have been a few eye-brow raising ones about good friends. So, I don't know.. I hope this gossip girlesque character doesn't take nastiness to the extreme, as things could get ugly. Also, it makes me wonder who this person is. If he/she knows about ho-hum me, then it has to be someone I know right? Hmm..must investigate..
Monday, October 19, 2009
Matchy Matchy
What do you think about matching your lip color with an article of clothing? Yay or nay?
For lack of other ideas, i decided to try a pink lip to match my pink bandage mini. To be honest, I kinda like it! :p

See how the shade is exactly alike?

Upon closer inspection
p.s thank you mikey for the photos, and sheila and anan for the lipstick :)
For lack of other ideas, i decided to try a pink lip to match my pink bandage mini. To be honest, I kinda like it! :p

p.s thank you mikey for the photos, and sheila and anan for the lipstick :)
Gratitude List 10/18
Dear Lord,
Thank you for...
1.Chikaan :)
2.Shakey's ultimate cheesy garlic pizza
3.My ultimate benefactor- daddy!
4.Lazy Sundays (one of the rare ones where I get to sleep in)
5.TV shows especially Glee and Cougar Town
8.Bodycon dresses
P.S God, will you please do something about our post office system? I've been trying to call them for days but I always get a busy signal. Please let me get thru, or better yet, please let my package arrive safe and sound. thanks :)
Thank you for...
1.Chikaan :)
2.Shakey's ultimate cheesy garlic pizza
3.My ultimate benefactor- daddy!
4.Lazy Sundays (one of the rare ones where I get to sleep in)
5.TV shows especially Glee and Cougar Town
8.Bodycon dresses
P.S God, will you please do something about our post office system? I've been trying to call them for days but I always get a busy signal. Please let me get thru, or better yet, please let my package arrive safe and sound. thanks :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Gratitude List 10/12
This past week, I'm thankful for:
1.Cheap buys! I got a 19 inch flat screen tv/monitor for a steal. Yay!
2.Anti-acne topical lotion, cos auntie bet got me some. Thank you auntie!
3.Unexpected emails from favorite titas
4.Mom's DIY skills
5.Trusty sellers
6.My loud and loving family
7.My incredibly loving Jason who is turning 23 in less than an hour!
8.Time traveler's wife finally being shown here in Cebu
9.Blog book sales by kaith! Yay!
10.Affordable bb cream
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cheap Thrills
If you only had a hundred pesos to spend, would you still come out of the mall feeling happy? I recently thought of this when one fine day, I opened my wallet and found only 20 friggin pesos!lol. Don't worry it ends happily, well, as happy as finding a BPI withdrawing machine can be, but that's beside the point. I raised the budget a notch higher and asked if having less monetarily can still put the same smile on my face. You know what? The answer is surprisingly yes! haha! I could still be the happy mallrat with only 100 with me. Mind you most of the things I thought of were food, but to each his own right? So without further ado, here is my cheap thrill list!
1.Definitely my number 1, no-fail pick-up, regardless if I have 100 o 1000- Zagu! A medium-sized milk tea with extra pearls and crystals! Love!- PHP 46
2.Back issues of magazines like Lucky, Teen Vogue and Domino- PHP 72
3.Pippo's ice cream- PHP 30 for a scoop in a waffle cone.
4.Cute girl panties from Metro Ayala- PHP 39 (i think this is an overshare?! haha)
5.KFC Chik'n fillet! I had this last night with alveel! PHP 78 and it comes with a drink and fries- you can't beat that!
7.Potato Corner Trio (Sour cream, BBQ and Cheese)- PHP 70
8.DVDs or should I say DBDs cos that's how the sellers say it!- 3 for PHP 100 (where my mom gets them)
9.Street food like banana-q and turon! Im not sure how much they are now but pretty sure no more than P10 for each!
10.Those red ribbon snack deals where you get a palabok, iced tea and a slice of cake for 75! I think my love for palabok is becoming apparent.
11. And one more for the road! Mommy's Pizza! The last time I checked one box of these cost PHP 72 and i've been a fan ever since a box cost PHP 36!
What about you? What are your cheap thrills?
1.Definitely my number 1, no-fail pick-up, regardless if I have 100 o 1000- Zagu! A medium-sized milk tea with extra pearls and crystals! Love!- PHP 46
2.Back issues of magazines like Lucky, Teen Vogue and Domino- PHP 72
3.Pippo's ice cream- PHP 30 for a scoop in a waffle cone.
4.Cute girl panties from Metro Ayala- PHP 39 (i think this is an overshare?! haha)
5.KFC Chik'n fillet! I had this last night with alveel! PHP 78 and it comes with a drink and fries- you can't beat that!
7.Potato Corner Trio (Sour cream, BBQ and Cheese)- PHP 70
8.DVDs or should I say DBDs cos that's how the sellers say it!- 3 for PHP 100 (where my mom gets them)
9.Street food like banana-q and turon! Im not sure how much they are now but pretty sure no more than P10 for each!
10.Those red ribbon snack deals where you get a palabok, iced tea and a slice of cake for 75! I think my love for palabok is becoming apparent.
11. And one more for the road! Mommy's Pizza! The last time I checked one box of these cost PHP 72 and i've been a fan ever since a box cost PHP 36!
What about you? What are your cheap thrills?
Monday, October 5, 2009
On Bags
Dear Bag Gods,
Why must the bags I consistently lust for come at really jaw-dropping prices? Why can't my tastes shift to bags that are not even a thousand pesos? Please grant me the vision to see that brands like Secosana are actually what I've been dreaming about all along!
I will love Seconsana.I will love Seconsana.I will love Secosana. This is the mantra I will keep on repeating.
Your frustrated pricey bag lover,
p.s If you do not will it, I don't really need to love Secosana. I also accept donations in cash or kind, should you wish me to have the bags I really want! hahaha
Thankful List 10/5
I don't have much words, I'm just gonna get right down to the gratitude.
1.Thank you God for sparing most of the Philippines from Supertyphoon Parma.
2.Reconnecting with religion. I guess it takes big events to really reassess what you've been doing to your life, and what you value. Thank you for the reminder.
3.Thank you for friends you can talk serious and shallow with. Sheila Go this is you.
4.Thank you for opportunities to step outside the box and meet new people and actually have a really good time.
5.Thank you for bag benefactors like Jason, haha.
6.I'm grateful for a smoother/funnier relationship with my mom. Don't get me wrong, its not like we all out hated each other, it's just that for some strange reason, we've been getting along better. I hope i'm not jinxing it for writing this.
7.Thank you for the internet.
8.I'm grateful for the barage of new shows to barage me!
1.Thank you God for sparing most of the Philippines from Supertyphoon Parma.
2.Reconnecting with religion. I guess it takes big events to really reassess what you've been doing to your life, and what you value. Thank you for the reminder.
3.Thank you for friends you can talk serious and shallow with. Sheila Go this is you.
4.Thank you for opportunities to step outside the box and meet new people and actually have a really good time.
5.Thank you for bag benefactors like Jason, haha.
6.I'm grateful for a smoother/funnier relationship with my mom. Don't get me wrong, its not like we all out hated each other, it's just that for some strange reason, we've been getting along better. I hope i'm not jinxing it for writing this.
7.Thank you for the internet.
8.I'm grateful for the barage of new shows to barage me!
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Wrath of Ondoy and Being Thankful

One of the worst typhoons in a span of 50 years (or maybe ever) has just hit the Philippines, leaving behind devastating effects. Fortunately, it spared Cebu (my hometown and where I am right now). However, Manila wasn't so lucky. Floods have killed and injured dozens, and have caused millions of damage. I actually know of people who lost everything they had. It makes me so sad, and it really is so heartbreaking. I wish here was more I could do to help.
It's been a weekend filled with so much sadness and loss, and yet,I remain grateful for the following:
1.I am grateful that my sister was left safe and sound during Ondoy. The house, as well as our property in Manila are ok too.
2.I am thankful to have the opportunity to give back, in what little way I can. I am so lucky to have something extra, to have electricity and internet connection to disseminate information.
3.i am thankful that the biggest problems I seem to have right now are zits on my nose and chin, dark scars, or how to pay for the bb creams that i got.
4.i am so grateful to be part of a family that is aware, and wants to give back. i thank my parents for raising us kids with the right kind of mindset, and values. we know it is our civic duty to lend a hand to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. i am glad this concept is not foreign to us, and has been imparted to us since childhood.
5.though i know of friends who have lost everything, property-wise, I praise God because they are alive. Their families are safe and intact. Thank you Lord.
6.I am thankful for the absence of apathy in my spirit right now. I want to help. I need to help. I do not want to put my focus on something immaterial, fleeting and shallow. There has to be something more in me than fluff. Being indifferent is not cool. I can't help but feel bitter and dissapointed at people who are acting like nothing happened, but they should not be my focus.
7.I'm thankful that I am part of the ateneo community. The way ateneans have banded to make a difference is nothing short of remarkable. It truly is Magis! Long live the Ateneo spirit! Thank you for making a difference.
8.Thank you for letting me see the best in the Filipino. I've never been prouder to be one!
Thank you Lord. I hope you give the Filipinos resilience and strength to get through this. Also, please spare us from the coming typhoon.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Too Much Wine

photo from thatschic.net
I love the idea of wine colored lips (like this gorgeous looking girl i found in thatschic.net). There's something vampy and effortless about it. If you think about it, it's a great way to get drama with the least bit of effort (I say this because the other dramatic makeup option would be the smoky eye, and that takes up more time and tools to achieve).
I couldn't get this look out of my head so I got myself some wine-colored lipstick today. Unfortunately, I couldn't quite find a shade as dark as hers. I guess the one I settled for will have to do right now. I'm actually quite happy with it, and rocked it all afternoon in the mall :)
Here's my take

It looks much darker and wine-y in real life.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fashion Nazi
I know, i know. Fashion should be all about freedom, self-expression and all that. But sometimes, I can't help but cringe at the many fashion offenses i see on a daily basis. Now, I'm not saying that I'm the end-all,be-all to dressing and style. I'm simply talking about my personal preferences and pet peeves. That's a fine line to looking original and then looking ridiculous. With all that said and done, I just wanted to list done my absolute pet peeves in dressing. In no particular order..
1.I CANNOT stand it when guys where jeans and wifebeaters in public (the mall, the streets)! i just had to get that out there!Yes, even to the beach. A wifebeater and some shorts, are perfectly acceptable beach garb.
2.Tights as pants are not ok! This happens when your crotch area is exposed because of a too short top! On that note, camel toe is unacceptable too! Please take time to invest in underwear that has more coverage.
3.Those long winter boots in a tropical country? I don't think so! Wearing them with the skimpiest shorts and barely there tops does not make them look better. In fact, I think it looks oxymoronic, if anything.
4.Stop it with the denim on denim! It is not cool. You are not a cowboy.
5.Those tights with the lace at the bottom, especially when layered over a denim mini drive me crazy!
6.Low rise jeans that show your butt crack are equally unacceptable. What is that?A piggy bank slot?
7.Lastly, shirts as dresses! enough said.
1.I CANNOT stand it when guys where jeans and wifebeaters in public (the mall, the streets)! i just had to get that out there!Yes, even to the beach. A wifebeater and some shorts, are perfectly acceptable beach garb.
2.Tights as pants are not ok! This happens when your crotch area is exposed because of a too short top! On that note, camel toe is unacceptable too! Please take time to invest in underwear that has more coverage.
3.Those long winter boots in a tropical country? I don't think so! Wearing them with the skimpiest shorts and barely there tops does not make them look better. In fact, I think it looks oxymoronic, if anything.
4.Stop it with the denim on denim! It is not cool. You are not a cowboy.
5.Those tights with the lace at the bottom, especially when layered over a denim mini drive me crazy!
6.Low rise jeans that show your butt crack are equally unacceptable. What is that?A piggy bank slot?
7.Lastly, shirts as dresses! enough said.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thankful List 9/20
Its always better to be grateful! :)
1.for cheap but wonderful makeup.
2.for fast, reliable and affordable shipping to the philippines! yay now i can online shop in all the us sites! :)
3.i'm especially thankful for med students (tiny and gary) who really know their shiznit and diagonosed and took care of me on saturday night!
4.for ELF studio complexion perfection powder!:D
5.red ribbon palabok and coffee crunch cake

6.for stressful work, just because it means you are actually employed!
7.for customizable clothes that work out really cheap too!
maybe i'm just a cheapskate..hahaha
1.for cheap but wonderful makeup.
2.for fast, reliable and affordable shipping to the philippines! yay now i can online shop in all the us sites! :)
3.i'm especially thankful for med students (tiny and gary) who really know their shiznit and diagonosed and took care of me on saturday night!
4.for ELF studio complexion perfection powder!:D
5.red ribbon palabok and coffee crunch cake

6.for stressful work, just because it means you are actually employed!
7.for customizable clothes that work out really cheap too!
maybe i'm just a cheapskate..hahaha
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Paperdolls Version 2009
When I was little, I used to love playing with paperdolls. Does anyone else remember those? You'd sort of cut them out and swap outfits. I distinctly remember one having the same name as my aunt. Anyway, a visit to littlemissdressup revealed looklet.com! What it is is an online paperdoll of sorts. You pick out the models and dress them up! I have to say I am in love! It's extremely addicting. Here are some of the looks I came up with, and now, you'll have to excuse me because I'm off to make some more!

Happy List from the weekend that was
I've decided to take stock of little things that have been keeping me happy. There's nothing like the power of positive thoughts to attract more positive thoughts. I wallowed in my little happy pool on the weekend, which mainly consisted of:
1. Dinner with an old friend (Kaith to be more specific). it was fun to catch up and just talk.
Pictures from the dinner.

2.Late, late night deep converations about nothing and everthing. I went to cy's house after dinner and ended up staying until 3:30 am.
3.Downloaded shows (I'm currently downloading top chef, the rachel zoe project, and project runway, with jason's help of course)
4.Room revamp- My saturday afternoon and night was spent at home, rearranging my room, after I was inspired by Cybill's new and pristine one! I'm really happy with the way mine turned out- all "hotelly" and shiz haha, I just need a flat screen tv (any cheapo one will do)
5.Online shopping- i think i need to stop rambling about the merits of forever21 and elf to just about everyone i meet.
6.Coffee with Sheila- i love how this random thing has become a mini-ritual for both of us. It's simple- we meet up to have coffee and mainly vent about everything and anything.
Sure, I still constantly lust about this bag, or those pair of shoes, or this perosn's life, and I will forever keep on wishing for some things (for jason and i to just be together really), but its nice to see what things i have going for me too. :)
1. Dinner with an old friend (Kaith to be more specific). it was fun to catch up and just talk.
Pictures from the dinner.
2.Late, late night deep converations about nothing and everthing. I went to cy's house after dinner and ended up staying until 3:30 am.
3.Downloaded shows (I'm currently downloading top chef, the rachel zoe project, and project runway, with jason's help of course)
4.Room revamp- My saturday afternoon and night was spent at home, rearranging my room, after I was inspired by Cybill's new and pristine one! I'm really happy with the way mine turned out- all "hotelly" and shiz haha, I just need a flat screen tv (any cheapo one will do)
5.Online shopping- i think i need to stop rambling about the merits of forever21 and elf to just about everyone i meet.
6.Coffee with Sheila- i love how this random thing has become a mini-ritual for both of us. It's simple- we meet up to have coffee and mainly vent about everything and anything.
Sure, I still constantly lust about this bag, or those pair of shoes, or this perosn's life, and I will forever keep on wishing for some things (for jason and i to just be together really), but its nice to see what things i have going for me too. :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
By closetidealist
I've been sooo busy with work the last few weeks that I haven't really had time to update!Anyway, guess who is in this month's issue of Stella Magazine? me!:p
Stella is this local magazine from the Manila Bulletin group. When they approached me months ago, they wanted to know what I wore on an everyday/normal basis. I guess these outfits sum it up. You can usually find me in a dress.
The downside to the whole thing was that hey got my name wrong, and my friend Edwin's too! When you go by Sam, everyone kinds assumes your real name is Samantha, but that really isn't the case for everyone. Edwin's last name is Ao, and not Arao.
Despite the glitches, I'm still honored. Thanks Stella and a special thank you to Mikey for the scan!:)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pick me up
Has anybody seen this? It's really a pick me up for me..I've been feeling a little down in the dumps lately..oh well, here's to the blues :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Food, food, food!
I stuffed myself silly in Bangkok. There seemed to be unlimited things to try. From street corners to obscure restaurants, the choices were endless. It didn't help that the prices were super affordable too! I loved every minute of it! All the walking we did made me hungry. Luckily, there was always something to reward myself with. I want to go back, even if its just for the food.

By closetidealist Glorious Bangkok Food
Take me back!
By closetidealist Glorious Bangkok Food
Take me back!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Bangkok Bliss
I absolutely loved Bangkok! I loved how the Thais were such nice, welcoming people. It's really admirable how they're so keen on injecting beauty into every little thing that they do, from random street food to their temples. Their sense of culture is also something to be marveled at, as is their devotion to their King! It's rare to see that these days especially when you hear us criticizing politicians left and right! Another thing that I found wonderful was the marriage of the old world and new in Bangkok- Skytrains with Tuktuks, Pepper lunch side by side flower juice! I could go on and on!
If I could, I would post all of my pictures here, but I guess these capture some of my favorite memories in the city of bargains and all things spicy!

By closetidealist
Labels from L-R, up to down:
1.Masks to drive away evil spirits
2.Pretty flowers
3.Flower juice break with mai-mai
4.Buddha shrine in the middle of JJ mall
5.Pink taxi cabs
6.Waiting for the Sky train after a productive day of shopping (See the full mustard bag)
7.Little monk, Big monk
8.Giant Leaning Buddha
9.Bangkok streets
10.Pretty dolls
11.Temples at Wat Po that seem to touch the sky
12.Buddha, Maimai and me
13.Detailed peacock on the temple walls
14.Entrance to Wat Po
15.A hot day on the Skytrain
I'll be posting my foodshots next! Yummmmm!
P.S Please pardon the weird collage. it was my first attempt!:p
If I could, I would post all of my pictures here, but I guess these capture some of my favorite memories in the city of bargains and all things spicy!
By closetidealist
Labels from L-R, up to down:
1.Masks to drive away evil spirits
2.Pretty flowers
3.Flower juice break with mai-mai
4.Buddha shrine in the middle of JJ mall
5.Pink taxi cabs
6.Waiting for the Sky train after a productive day of shopping (See the full mustard bag)
7.Little monk, Big monk
8.Giant Leaning Buddha
9.Bangkok streets
10.Pretty dolls
11.Temples at Wat Po that seem to touch the sky
12.Buddha, Maimai and me
13.Detailed peacock on the temple walls
14.Entrance to Wat Po
15.A hot day on the Skytrain
I'll be posting my foodshots next! Yummmmm!
P.S Please pardon the weird collage. it was my first attempt!:p
Thursday, April 16, 2009
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
I'm back and No, these were not taken in Bangkok! I seem to have misplaced my memory card reader :s. Anyhoo, I found this dress while thrifting and I loved how the cut was that of a chong-sam while the fabric was something Indonesian(?).
Please someone tell me if I've thrifted someone's restaurant uniform or something :) lol.
*Wearing: Thirfted dress, cotton on belt, gold studded bangle, rolex watch, matthews gladiators*
**Photo by maimai**
Thursday, April 9, 2009
By closetidealist
It seems a little quiet in here. That's because my family and I have been busy with Holy Week Traditions all week. Also, I'm off to Bangkok for a few days of r and r! See you all when I get back! I'm hoping to have pictures to show and stories to tell!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thin Layers
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do- Especially when the weather proves to be too uncomfortable to don certain articles of undergarments necessary to provide coverage for "the girls". Do you understand what I'm even talking about?! Anyway, the solution turned out to be thin layers. I was a pretty comfy camper throughout that night and no accidental sightings took place as well :)
In other news, my friend Jula came home after what seemed like 48 years of being away. So we met up for dinner and drinks :)
*Wearing: Jayjays yellow and white men's wifebeater, no label gray dress, no label printed bird vest, Urge black shoes, Target studded cuff, Dad's vintage watch, Sportsgirl rings*
**I stole the photos off Mikey. Thanks, btw! :)**
girl thing,
night out,
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Beach Buddies
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
After a huuuggggggee breakfast to celebrate my cousin Tom-tom's birthday (the theme was inspired by a hotel breakfast buffet, might post pics later), my family decided to go on a long drive to scout for more possible beach house sites (still crossing fingers). And since my sister mai-mai was home, I had someone to camwhore with- wheeeee :p
*Wearing: No label pink tube top, Thrifted powder blue skirt and black fringe payless shoes*
**Photos by Wyben Briones (thanks dad!)**
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sack dress
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
By closetidealist
By closetidealist yay for my new cage shoes! :)
The last thing you want to do when it feels like a hundred degrees outside is to put on something dark and clingy. I don't know about you but those are my personal sentiments. This sack dress of sorts was just hanging in my closet waiting for the perfect hot day. I feel like this is going to be on constant rotation for the summer, never mind if its reminiscent of a lab coat, haha!
P.S I am in love with my new nude cage shoes from maimai! Thanks mai!xx
*Wearing: no label linen white dress (lab gown?), Ichigo nude cage shoes*
**Photos by maimai
cage shoes,
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